Ducale s.n.c. Partita IVA: 00220120125 

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Etichetta: Dynamic
Data di distribuzione: 10/10/2024


Donizetti Gaetano  1797  1948



DYN 38029
Alto prezzo
Barcode: 8007144380298

Azione tragico sacra; Libretto by Domenico Gilardoni
Orchestra Donizetti Opera; Coro dell’Accademia Teatro alla Scala; Salvo Sgrò
Initially composed for performance during the season of Lent, Donizetti’s Il diluvio universale (‘The Great Flood’) takes a Biblical story and mixes it with the human nature of the main characters, creating a uniquely intense drama. Performed here with a stellar cast in its acclaimed 2023 revival at the Festival Donizetti in Bergamo, this production transports Donizetti’s opera into the present day. In this staging collective and individual destinies are interwoven, urging us to reflect on issues such as the environmental crisis and climate change.


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